French Drain Basement at Your Home Water System

The use in designing and installing small framing basement walls in residences. This information is presented in an easy to understand format with illustrations and useful diagrams.

Note that we included a sheet of graph paper for your convenience. There are detailed illustrations that show the recommended installation methods for sprinklers, piping and valve groups. And how to connect the main french drain basement system in the home water system or a pump. We've also included suggestions for the facility through the guide to assist you to plan a system and a glossary of terms and performance charts for Hunter sprinklers in the back.
In preparing the tables for flow, pressure of operation and size of the pipe, friction loss consider a reasonable and acceptable rate of water for residential irrigation system. If you have questions about the design or the installation process, contact your dealer for Hunter.

Hunter recommends that you hire the services of a professional Waterproofing a Basement designer when planning a large residential or commercial project. Contractors and residential designers can receive additional information by contacting your local image.

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